Tips for LXC: creation, autostart, OpenVPN and port forwarding to containers

#ubuntu #howto #server #lxc #openvpn #iptables

I’ve completed setting up my comfort set of LXC containers and want to save some points I spent a lot of time for or things for copy-paste.

I used the official Ubuntu Server Guide but note at Digital Ocean knowledge base also helped me a lot. I created 3 containers: one for vpn, one for site on Drupal and last one as www proxy for second one with nginx only.

§ Create LXC container

Pretty simple, create container with Ubuntu in it:

lxc-create -n [container_name] -t ubuntu

Next, start it:

lxc-start -d -n [container_name]

where -d arg is essential, otherwise you will fell into containers command line and stuck in it.

Attach to started container:

lxc-attach -n [container_name]

All containers are created with default user:password «ubuntu:ubuntu». I strongly recommend to delete it, it is out of use:

userdel ubuntu
rm -rf /home/ubuntu

§ Autostart LXC container

I wanted all my containers to start automatically. You can find instructions in Ubuntu server guide (edit /var/lib/lxc/[container_name]/config):

# Autostart = 1
lxc.start.delay = 5

Read as follows: autostart container and wait 5 seconds before starting next one.

§ OpenVPN in LXC

VPN server is not working out-of-box in LXC container. You need to add following option in container config (/var/lib/lxc/[container_name]/config):

# OpenVPN
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm

At first time you will also need to run commands as root to create file for tun device:

mkdir /dev/net
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun

Notes from and boxtricks helped me.

§ Iptables with LXC containers

I needed to forward 80 and 443 ports to container with ip and 1194 (OpenVPN) port to To do so, perform at host machine:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 1194 -j DNAT --to

but these changes will be lost after reboot. To save them, install iptables-persistent:

apt-get install -y iptables-persistent

and agree to save current iptables settings.

The last problem was that iptables rules are correct, but not loaded by iptables-persistent. But if I run service iptables-persistent start manually after booting, everything is ok, port forwarding works. In /var/lib/boot.log I saw line:

Loading iptables rules...       [fail]

I believe, the problem is in boot and init order, so I added iptables-persistent start after network is up. Create file /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-persistent:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

service iptables-persistent start

and make it executable:

chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-persistent

At next boot iptables will fall at boot, but will be reloaded after network is up.