Show N biggest directories in linux bash

#du #bash #linux #console #awk #sed

du (disk usage) utility in linux bash summarizes disk usage of each directory or file. By default, it outputs only directories. Just enter some dir and type

$ du ./

But if ./ has many subdirectories, output will be too long. And it is unsorted. The stated in the title task can be achieved by piping.

§ Sort output by size

Cut the first line, it is size of the ./ dir as sum of other sizes Use “—human-readable” in du or divide by 1024 to get kbytes, mbytes, etc. I divide by 1000 to get results close to nautilus ones.

The resulting command:

$ du -b --max-depth=1 | sort -nr | sed -n '2,4p' | awk '{print $1/1000^3" Gb\t" $2}'